A few weeks ago Gina and I decided to do a couple of short hikes in the Gorge and then grab a beer in Hood River. After poking through the Curious Gorge book we decided to start with Wind Mountain. The guidebook told us it doesn't get too busy and is only around 4 miles to the summit and back. Perfect for our mood!
The parking lot to ourselves. It was a rainy day in Portland which is why we headed east. We did get some rain and fog on this hike too but it didn't dampen our spirits!
Woods. The trail was very moderate. Although there is some patches of poison oak there was nothing that can't be avoided.
Tiger Lilly!
Freakin' gorgeous wildflowers on the way up. Gina in the mist.
Some sort of epic white orchid looking flower.
We went through an area of open rocks covered in lichen and moss but do to the low clouds we had no view.
This sign describing the history of the area is near the summit.
View to the west was great!
We spotted some vision quest pits we had heard so much about on Oregon Field Guide. Very cool!
More pits on the east side of the slope.
But not a whole lot to see looking to the east towards Hood River.
On the way down there is a steep spur trail that leads to a spot that looks absolutely perfect for accidentally falling to your death. The trail leads to a rock outcrop that is surround by cliffs except for the way you came in.
Gina contemplates the meaning of it all. This was a great and satisfying hike. We did see around 6 people total on the trail. Not bad for a Saturday!
Our second planned hike would have to wait. We were just too damn close to the Happiest Place on Earth to resist a delicious beer!
Spirit Quest! I did a similar thing for Boy Scouts called Order of the Arrow. Probably a very watered-down version of the First Nations way.